H-E-H ??

H-e-H-isms are the rantings of an Egyptian monkey raised in the grimy backstreets of east London. This monkey wakes to find a warm climate replaced with cold, umbrella-reversing gales; fuul has become bacon and eggs; and the exotic and seductive eastern beauty is now a 4-foot-high pensioner called Doris...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

When in Tonga, do as the Tongans do

On the rare occasions when I am visiting Tonga and I wish to promote inclusivity, brotherhood and transcend cultural boundaries, I always make a point never to persistently joke or comment in my customary east London cockney rhyming slang.
Why, then, do friends of the family - direct from the satellite villages of Assuit and its environs - insist on bombarding me with jokes (often completely devoid of wit) upon which are based cultural references completely alien to me? Do they think somehow my Egyptian genes, or blood, or "ro7" will suddenly come to life and, in a yearning for some ethereal connection with my ancient ancestry, compel me to understand exactly what is being said?
Is there no comprehension, or a complete and willful disregard of the fact that I just might not follow what is being said?

Or do you just want me to break your jaw bone the next time you try it on me and drag you out of my house by your nostrils?


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